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Hannan El-kabbout: 3 Years at METL

In an extraordinary feat of human endurance, Hannan El-kabbout, GTO/Finance Officer clocked up 3 years with METL this April.

Hannan joined METL with a solid background in group training and apprenticeships/traineeships, having started her career as a Business Certificate III Trainee with a GTO in 2009. After completing that certificate, Hannan broadened her skills by undertaking a Financial Services (bookkeeping) Certificate IV traineeship.

"Hannan has been a real asset to us, and the industry", says CEO, Simon Earle. "That combination of having worked for other GTO's and actually going through traineeships herself, means she understands the system, how to maximise trainee funding, and to solve problems that exist to get results."

Hannan commended with METL as Administration Officer in April 2014 and having demonstrated her capability, was quickly promoted to GTO Officer in June 2014, when the position became vacant. At that stage, it made sense to utilise the existing skills within the organisation, rather than recruit externally. Whilst always involved with the financial function of the business, Hannan has stepped up and now handles all of METL's financial operations.

"I've really enjoyed the last 3 years with METL," reflect Hannan. "Having had the opportunity to move into different roles  within the company, and to take on more responsibility has been rewarding. I know the value of training, so I'm happy to be playing a part helping others get the skills they need."

Congratulations Hannan, and we look forward to the next 3 years.

Hannan El - kabbout receives the 2016 Lloyds List Maritime Service Award

from an Ausport Marine representative and Tasmanian Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie

Posted in Ahoy at 21 April 17

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